Open a safe way to live in the United States

The first rule to safely migrate to the United States is to look for a reputable and experienced migration lawyer, like the staff at Kravitz & Guerra Law Office, who have been serving the International Community for almost 40 years, with combined experience of over 60 years. With a proper analysis by your Immigration Lawyer, […]
Living Trusts can avoid legal disputes

Living trusts – trust relationships are a good way to transfer ownership, after your death, to the relatives, friends, or charities you have chosen. Essentially, a living trust plays the same role as a declaration of will, with the crucial difference that the property left, in this case, must go through the probate court process, […]
Emergency order / Ordem de Emergência/ Orden de emergencia

Dear clients and friends, Department of Revenue Executive Director Jim Zingale issued an emergency order to extend filing deadlines for certain Florida corporate income tax (CIT) payments and returns. Order of Emergency Waiver/Deviation #20-52-DOR-003 extends the following due dates: For entities with a fiscal year ending December 31, 2019: · The May 1, 2020, due date for Florida […]
Your career can take you to the United States

Despite all the restrictions imposed on Brazilians, in this pandemic period, due to COVID-19, such as locomotion and temporary suspension in some types of visas, to enter new processes for permanent residence in the United States, such as L-1 – known as a temporary work visa, but suspended until December 31, 2020, immigration processes continue […]
DACA survives

The immigration policy DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) gained survival in June of this year, after the American Supreme Court’s decision to prevent the Trump Administration from ending the program immediately. With the decision, it is possible that DACA immigrants, who have travel permits, may again leave the United States and return. However, details […]
Extraordinary Skills: Who qualifies?

The desire to obtain permanent residence (Green Card) in the United States arouses the interest of immigrants from all over the world, thanks to the spread of the American Dream. These foreigners should look for an experienced and dedicated immigration lawyer, like those found at the Kravitz & Guerra Law Office in Miami, who have […]
EB-2: Understand the requirements to apply for this Green Card’s Category

The category that values the applicant’s academic achievements, the EB-2 allows members of a profession with an advanced degree or a foreign citizen with exceptional ability to be eligible for permanent residence (Green Card). Documents such as an official academic record, showing that you have an advanced degree in the United States or an equivalent […]
Are you a qualified professional with a job offer in the USA? EB-3 can be a good way for the Green Card

This category of Green Card, based on employment, is for those who wish to enter the United States to get a job that requires a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, for professionals, two years of training or experience, in skilled workers case, or, in some cases, with less than two years of experience to become proficient, […]
EB-4: Special Immigrants

EB-4 visas for Special Immigrant Religious Workers and R-1 visas are similar in key aspects: the beneficiaries of both categories are religious workers, and the application requirements overlap to some extent. The notable difference between the two is that an R-1 grants beneficiaries non-immigrant temporary work visas, while an EB-4 grants beneficiaries permanent resident status […]
Category EB-5: the best entry for investors

EB-5 “Investor Green Card” is a category of permanent residence in the United States, designed for foreign investors who wish to invest significant capital in American companies. Main requirements: • An investment of U.S. $ 1.8 million or more (or at least U.S. $ 900,000 in certain rural areas or regions with high unemployment); • […]